Refills / Regular Size
BACK TO LISTMessage Card / メッセージカード
発売日:2021年3月25日(木)/ Japan
Available April 2021 (Outside JAPAN)
Available April 15th, 2021 (USA and Canada)
*The date of release will vary depending on the retail shop. Prior to purchasing, please contact the nearest retail shop.
A great way to express kind wishes or gratitude whether you’re traveling or at home
すべてのページがミシン目で切り取れるメッセージカードのリフィルです。カードの表には旅を感じるデザインとともに「Have a nice trip」などのメッセージを、裏にはフレームをプリント。活版印刷ならではの風合いも魅力です。トラベラーズノートと共にいつも持ち歩き、感謝の気持ちやちょっとしたメッセージを伝えたい時に。
All the pages in this refill are tear-out message cards. Letterpress printing is used to print traveling icons with messages like “Have a nice trip!” on the front and a frame on the back. Keep these in your TRAVELER’S notebook and give them to people to express gratitude or kind wishes.

The left side is the front of the card, and the right is the back.

The left side is the front of the card, and the right is the back.

Keep these in your TRAVELER’S notebook and give them to people to express gratitude or kind wishes.

The unique texture of letterpress printing is also attractive.

7 designs × 5 sheets (35 sheets), Perforated, 20 pages (Saddle Stitched)
H210 x W110 x D4mm