Refills / Regular Size
BACK TO LIST009 Repair Kit / リペア用キット(Old specification / 旧仕様)
※2016年3月より、トラベラーズノート リペアキット(009)の仕様が変更となりました。キャメル用のゴムの色が加わり6色に、さらにしおり用の紐をセットしました。
※2016年3月より、トラベラーズノート リペアキット(009)の仕様が変更となりました。キャメル用のゴムの色が加わり6色に、さらにしおり用の紐をセットしました。
This is a kit to repair your TRAVELER’S notebook. There is a tin based charm and four sets of bands. If the band on your TRAVELER’S notebook gets cut, please use this to fix it. TRAVELER’S notebook is made simply, so its easy to fix and customize it. Please enjoy and take good care of the notebook by fixing it. The more you use it, the more you can see the taste appearing in the notebook.
(For both Regular and Passport sizes)
*This product has an old specification so please be noted that the sale will end when all the stock has been sold.
*Starting from March 2016, the specification of the Repair Kit (009) has changed. The rubber band for camel has been added, making it a total of 6 different colors. Also, the string used for the bookmark is added.
Details of the new specification.>>
(For both Regular and Passport sizes)
*This product has an old specification so please be noted that the sale will end when all the stock has been sold.
*Starting from March 2016, the specification of the Repair Kit (009) has changed. The rubber band for camel has been added, making it a total of 6 different colors. Also, the string used for the bookmark is added.
Details of the new specification.>>

替えゴム4色 各1m、スペア金具1個入 500円 + 税
4 spare bands (4 colors, 1 m each), 1 tin fastener
H210 x W110mm (Package)
4 spare bands (4 colors, 1 m each), 1 tin fastener
H210 x W110mm (Package)