Refills / Passport Size
BACK TO LISTSuper Lightweight Paper / 超軽量紙
発売日:2021年3月25日(木)/ Japan
Available April 2021 (Outside JAPAN)
Available April 15th, 2021 (USA and Canada)
*The date of release will vary depending on the retail shop. Prior to purchasing, please contact the nearest retail shop.
Fascinatingly thin, light paper
リフィル 軽量紙よりもさらに薄くて軽い紙のノートです。油を通しづらい紙を使用しているので、万年筆で書いても裏抜けしにくいのも特徴です。薄いため裏の文字が少し透けて見えますが、その透ける特性を活かして面白い使い方を考えてみるのもありかもしれません。パリパリした紙の質感も魅力です。
The paper in this notebook is even thinner and lighter than our Lightweight Paper refill. The paper itself does not allow for oil to penetrate easily, so it is hard to smear when using a fountain pen. The letters on the back of the page will show through a little because the paper is so thin, which adds a unique look to the enticingly crisp paper.

The letters on the back of the page will show through a little because the paper is so thin. Please find interesting ways to use this transparent characteristic.

Blank, 128 pages, Oilproof Paper (Saddle Stitched)
H124 x W89 x D4mm