Hola, Madrid!
2011年よりトラベラーズノートを扱うセレクトショップDo Design、オーナー夫妻のセンスでセレクトされた素敵な雑貨が並ぶEL MODERNO、写真集やアートブックとあわせてデザインプロダクトを扱うLA FABRICA、朗読会などのイベントを不定期で開催するマドリード最大級の書店LA CENTRAL、ファッション、化粧品、メガネ、書籍まで揃ったデザインショップ ISOLEE、高級筆記具から紙製品まで幅広く扱うマドリードの文具専門店PAPELERIA DEBOD。
TRAVELER’S COMPANY, the creator of TRAVELER’S notebook and other stationery to make every day feel like a journey, will make its next stop in Madrid, Spain.
More and more stores in Madrid have begun carrying TRAVELER’S notebook in recent years.
Each store’s selection reflects the owner’s taste and personality, and it makes us happy to see TRAVELER’S notebook in stores where such love has been poured into the products and sales floor. We thought it would be great if they created a network and all held TRAVELER’S notebook events at their stores at the same time. We could just picture locals and tourists coming together, walking down the streets of Madrid with their notebooks in their hands. And that gave us the idea for this caravan event.
This event will be held at six stores in Madrid that carry TRAVELER’S notebook: Do Design, a specialty store that has carried TRAVELER’S notebook for seven years; EL MODERNO, a store selling wonderful knick-knacks carefully chosen by the couple who own it; LA FABRICA, a store that carries photobooks, art books and design products; LA CENTRAL, one of Madrid’s biggest bookstores which holds events such as readings from time to time; ISOLEE, a design store with a range that includes clothing, cosmetics, glasses and books; and PAPELERIA DEBOD, Madrid’s specialist stationery store with products ranging from luxury writing instruments to paper products.
A TRAVELER’S FACTORY popup section will appear in these six stores from November 26, 2018, and events such as exhibitions and workshops involving TRAVELER’S notebook will be held in the stores. There will also be a stamp tour, with a free gift of original stickers for anyone who visits three of the six stores. Each store will distribute a special TRAVELER’S COMPANY Madrid Map. Created in a collaboration between TRAVELER’S COMPANY and the participating stores, the map features recommended spots to visit with your TRAVELER’S notebook.
Along with original items from TRAVELER’S FACTORY, the popup sections will sell items commemorating the event. Artists who have been inspired to use TRAVELER’S notebook through their visits to the stores in Madrid have contributed some of their art, which has been printed on the covers of special-edition refills. Other commemorative items include refills and stickers with motifs of items in Madrid that have captured the attention of TRAVELER’S.
We look forward to seeing fans with their TRAVELER’S notebooks as Madrid begins decorating for Christmas. More details on the event will be posted on our official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, so stay tuned!”
MADRID EVENT PRODUCTS / マドリードイベントプロダクト

各ショップを通じてマドリード在住の4人のアーティストに描き起こしてもらったアートワークを表紙に印刷したトラベラーズノート リフィルが登場します。右からグラフティアーティストとして著名になり世界企業との仕事も多いゼタ氏、独特の世界観を持つイラストやオブジェに多くのファンを持つアイトール・サライバ氏、ヨーロッパ・デザイン学院にクラスを持ちながらグラフィックデザイナーとしても活躍するマルタ・ボタス氏、80点以上の絵本を出版し、世界中で数多くの賞を受賞しているハビエル・ザバラ氏。それぞれマドリードをテーマに描いてもらいました。
The participating stores have arranged for four Madrid-based artists to create art that has been printed on the covers of special TRAVELER’S notebook refills. From right to left, the special covers feature art by ZETA, a prominent graffiti artist who has worked for many companies around the world; Aitor Saraiba, who has garnered many fans for the unique worldview expressed in his illustrations and objets d’art; Marta Botas, a graphic designer who also teaches at the European Institute of Design; and Javier Zabala, who has published over 80 picture books and has won many awards around the world.

This refill and stickers are designed with motifs of things you can see in Madrid, including traffic lights, gondolas and the Bear and the Strawberry Tree statue. Letterpress printing is used for the cover of the refill, providing a unique and tasteful texture.

TRAVELER’S COMPANY has collaborated with the stores participating in the event to create the TRAVELER’S COMPANY Madrid Map. The map will be handed out at the event venues (see below) and contains recommended spots to visit with your TRAVELER’S notebook. It’s also the perfect size to keep inside your TRAVELER’S notebook while you walk. There’s no better way to explore Madrid!
In Japan, the limited items for the Korean event will be sold in TRAVELER’S FACTORY Nakameguro, AIRPORT, STATION and TRAVELER’S FACTORY ONLINE SHOP on January 10, 2019. (The details is available on the TRAVELER’S FACTORY official website later)
<開催場所/Event venues >
Do Design
Calle Fernando VI, 13. 28004 Madrid Event information >>
Calle Postigo de San Martín 8, 28013 Madrid Event information >>
2018年11月26日(月)~ 2019年1月6日(日)
2018年11月26日(月)~ 2019年1月6日(日)(チケット配布期間 11月26日~12月31日)
1. MARTA BOTAS’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebooks 場所:Do Design
2. ZETA’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebooks 場所:ISOLEE
4. AITOR SARAIBA’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebooks 場所:LA CENTRAL
5. Exhibition 1-10-100 (JAVIER ZABALA+10 Artists+100 TN USERS) 場所:EL MODERNO:
November 26, 2018 (Mon.) – January 6, 2019 (Sun.)
Held at the 6 participating stores (details above)
(While the full range of products varies from store to store, all of the stores will sell the commemorative items for our Spain event.)
November 26, 2018 (Mon.) – January 6, 2019 (Sun.) (tickets available from November 26 to December 31)
Stamp tickets and stamps available at the 6 participating stores (details above). You’ll receive a stamp for each store where you purchase items. Receive stamps for three stores and you’ll receive a free gift of original stickers.
From November 26, 2018 (Mon.)
Along with the details of the six participating stores, you’ll receive a map showing recommended spots to visit with your TRAVELER’S notebook. (Available while supplies last – numbers are limited!)
November 26(Mon.) -December 2, 2018(Tue.)
1. MARTA BOTAS’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebook: at Do Design
2. ZETA’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebook: at ISOLEE
4. AITOR SARAIBA’s Works and TRAVELER’S notebook: at LA CENTRAL
5. Exhibition 1-10-100 (JAVIER ZABALA+10 Artists+100 TN USERS): at EL MODERNO: For this exhibition, the participating stores plan to display 100 TRAVELER’S notebooks sent by users on the wall.
Click here for event and admission details>>
1.トラベラーズノートユーザー ギャザリング at Do Design
場所:Do Design
日時:2018年11月30日(金) 18:30~20:30
日時:2018年12月1日(土) 11:30~13:30
記念リフィルのイラストを描いてくれたハビエル・ザバラ氏によるワークショップです。会場となるEL MODERNOからトラベラーズノートを手に街へ繰り出し、Javier氏のオフィスまで歩きながら、様々な景色を見ながら絵の描き方・表現方法をJavier自身が直接トラベラーズユーザーに教えてくれます。
日時:2018年12月2日(日) 11:00~14:00
1.TRAVELER’S notebook Users’ Gathering at Do Design
Lucia, the store owner; Marta Botas, a graphic designer who created art for the commemorative refill cover; and MUY, our Spanish distributor, will talk about great ways to use the TRAVELER’S notebook. TRAVELER’S staff will also participate.
Date and time: 6:30-8:30pm November 29, 2018 (Thu.)
Venue: Do Design
Click here for event and admission details>>
Bárbara Salas, a Barcelona-based TRAVELER’S notebook user, will teach you how to have even more fun with your TRAVELER’S notebook. You’ll be able to try out scrapbooking techniques with materials such as ink stamps, cards, stickers, postage stamps, dried flowers and the pages of books.
Date and time: 6:30-8:30pm November 30, 2018 (Fri.)
Click here for event and admission details>>
A workshop by Aitor Saraiba, who provided an illustration for one of our commemorative refill covers. True to its name, TRAVELER’S notebook is a way to document your journeys while you’re on the road. Aitor Saraiba will talk about how to express your moods and dreams in your TRAVELER’S notebook through techniques such as collages and illustrations, while providing opportunities for you to try them out.
Date and time: 11:30am-1:30pm December 1, 2018 (Sat.)
Click here for event and admission details>>
A workshop by Javier Zabala, who provided an illustration for one of our commemorative refill covers. Javier will take you for a walk from the event venue at EL MODERNO to his office. Take your TRAVELER’S notebook with you and learn some of Javier’s own art and expression methods while you admire a variety of scenery.
Date and time: 11:00am-2:00pm December 2, 2018 (Sun.)
Click here for event and admission details>>
スペイン、アストゥリアス州に生まれる。現在は自身のスタジオがあるマドリードに在住。グラフィックデザイナーであり、ヨーロッパ・デザイン学院にイラストレーションのクラスを持つ。また、食についてのプロジェクト「I Believe in Food」を立ち上げている。食は、調理をする人や食べる人たちを通じて、さまざまな人種、文化、価値観の違いについて探求する素材となると考えている。人なしにはレシピは存在しないし、人がいなければ文化は存在しない、そして、食がなければ人は生きることはできない。そんな風に考えている。Do Designでは、「I Believe in Food」をはじめ、「Memory Cocina」, 「Pájaros y Peces」等、展示イベントを開催している。
Ms. Marta Botas was born in Asturias. She lives in Madrid where her studio is based. She works on graphic design and illustration projects while she teaches at IED.
“I Believe in Food” is a project/platform about Food. It explores different regions, realms and spaces; people who work in gastronomy and those who enjoy it. It´s not an orthodox trip. There are no recipes without people, there are no people without places and no places without life and no life without food.
Introduced by Do Design
Born in Spain in 1983. He has lived in Madrid for several years. A city that adopted him and saw the evolution of this artist. In this city several of his books were gestated, the street action “healing drawings” and several of his most important exhibitions. Saraiba has portrayed his favorite city in the world, Madrid, from the personal passing through some of the most legendary icons of the city.
Introduced by La Central
Born in Zamora, Spain in 1970. He is trained in art schools from a very young age, in the mid 80’s he knows the Graffitti and makes his first artworks in the street, which he uses as the environment to develop artistically; at the beginning of his career he uses a more “heterodox” plastic language characteristic of the Graffitti of that time, but his artistic restlessness makes him learn and evolve from multiple and diverse classical and modern pictorial currents, which serve as a catalyst in the evolution of its plastic language, constantly reinventing itself for more than three decades. He has made hundreds of commissions for the main international multinational companies and traveled much of the world with his art.
Introduced by ISOLEE
1962年スペイン、レオン出身。80点以上の絵本を出版し、世界中で数多くの賞を受賞している。今回トラベラーズノートのために描いた作品では、マドリードを猫の街と考え、街をさまよう人々を猫のように描いている。(夜のマドリッドでは、実際に猫をよく見ることができる)また、カラフルな家と鉄のバルコニーを抽象的に描く、その独自のスタイルは、彼の作品『子どものためのマドリード』(Bohem Press, 2001)でも見ることができる。EL MODERNOでは、彼の作品を展示販売している。
Born in León, Spain in 1962. Many of his more than 80 illustrated books have been awarded around the world. It’s said that if you are born in Madrid you are called “Gato” (Cat). So, Madrid is “The city of cats”. I drew cats in my cover because of the “Human-cats” but also because of the animal cats that can be seen, specially at night. I also painted the houses and their iron balconies, not in the detailed style I used in my book “Madrid for Children” (Bohem Press, 2001) but in a way more related to my nowadays, more abstract and colourful paintings.
Introduced by EL MODERNO
*“TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.