Tokyu Hands 40th Anniversary Collaboration!
東急ハンズ40周年記念 コラボレーション!

東急ハンズ各店 店舗情報はこちら>>
From November 1, 2016, collaboration items between Tokyu Hands and TRAVELER’S notebook™ will be released in the special corner of all the Tokyu Hands around Japan (excluding the Kanazawa and overseas shop).
Collaboration items such as refills with designs of tools sold in Tokyu Hands, brass tag with the logo of Tokyu Hands carrying TRAVELER’S notebook™, sticker set with motifs of tools, logo, shirts, and apron worn by staffs, and other items perfect for customizing the items will be released. Even more, in each of the stores, there will be an anniversary stamp in each of the shops of Tokyu Hands. This will have a motif of tools applied and the motifs will differ depending on the location of the shop.
Tokyu Hands has sold TRAVELER’S notebook™ since its first release, and TRAVELER’S notebook™ has shared the values of enjoying the act of customizing and expressing it. Given Tokyu Hands’ 40th anniversary, we hope people can feel the joy of DIY and customizing through the collaboration items being released.
Stores in Tokyu Hands Shop list >>
*The items are not available in the Kanazawa store and overseas store
*The collaborated items will only be sold in Tokyu Hands (These items are not planned to be sold in TRAVELER’S FACTORY™ and TRAVELER’S FACTORY™ ONLINE SHOP.)
*These are of limited availability. In case they are sold out or out of stock, we would appreciate your understanding.
– Tokyu Hands Thanksgiving Festival Special Website >>
– Tokyu Hands Official Website >>
COLLABRATED ITEMS / コラボレーションアイテム

各色 580円+税
東急ハンズに並ぶ道具たちをモチーフにデザインしたトラベラーズノート レギュラーサイズ セクション罫のリフィルです。眺めているだけで、何かを作ったり、描いたり、調べたりしたくなります。
This is a Regular Size Refill with motifs of tools sold in Tokyu Hands being applied. Just looking at this refill may make you want to create, draw, or do some kind of research.

This is a sticker set with motifs of tools sold in Tokyu Hands, and apron and shirts worn by the staffs in Tokyu Hands. Please customize your notebook with an excitement resembling that feeling when you conduct a quest through the inside of Tokyu Hands.

ブラスタグ 東急ハンズ40周年記念
This is a Brass Ballpoint Pen with motifs of tools sold in Tokyu Hands printed using the color of Tokyu Hands.
Brass Tag, Tokyu Hands 40th Anniversary
This is a Brass Tag with the design of Tokyu Hands logo carrying TRAVELER’S notebook™ being pressed.
ORIGINAL STAMP / オリジナルスタンプ

*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.