Yoseka Stationery
(New York City, USA)

ニューヨーク州サニーサイドにあるステーショナリーショップ、Yoseka Stationery。オーナーのデイジーさんとニールさんが、自分たちの店について語ってくれました。
「私たちはここから数ブロック離れたところに住んでいるのですが、私たちにとってこの店は第2の家みたいな存在です。Yoseka Stationery は、もともとニールが生まれ育った台湾の桃園で1981年に設立されました。台湾の店はニールの兄弟が運営し、今も続いています。私たちはアメリカにアジアのステーショナリーを紹介したいと思い、2017年にYoseka Stationery としてこの場所に店を開きました。

We are Daisy and Neil, the shop owners of Yoseka Stationery in Sunnyside, New York. We live just a few blocks away from the shop, and the shop is our second home. Yoseka Stationery was founded in 1981 in Taoyuan, Taiwan, where Neil grew up. The original store is still open in Taiwan, and currently run by Neil’s brother and sister. Daisy and Neil started Yoseka Stationery in 2017 as a way of introducing Asian stationery to the US. Stationery has always been special for us growing up, and we would love to share our love in stationery with you as well.
Our shop focuses on experience. We believe through testing out different papers, textures, and pens, each customer who visits the shop can find their own unique style. TRAVELER’S notebook is one of our favorite brands in the store, and we love the ability to customize our TN’s in personal ways. We also use our TRAVELER’S notebook in our own way, and we love sharing our experiences with stationery and perspectives with every customer.


Yoseka Stationery
63 West St, Brooklyn, NY, 11222, USA

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!


Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.


The subway is the mode of transportation most used by New Yorkers. The motif is based on the New York City subway, which we are familiar with as popular settings for movies.

Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

Gantry Plaza State Park(公園)
Gantry Plaza State Park is a 12-acre state park on the East River. The park is located in a former dockyard, carrying freight railcars between Queens and Manhattan. The Pepsi-Cola sign, dated back to 1936, was part of the Pepsi bottling plant that used to be part of the current park. The park overviews Manhattan midtown skyline. It is one of our favorite places to take a walk on a nice sunny day.
Gantry Plaza State Park
4-09 47th Road, Long Island City, NY 11101

Queens Library at Hunters Point(図書館)
Queens Library at Hunters Point is a modern library located inside Gantry Plaza State Park. The public library is a very special place for us. Daisy grew up going to her local public library and borrowing many books, CD’s, movies and magazines. She attended events there, reading groups as a teenager, volunteering there in middle school, and continues to go to the library frequently as an adult. This new public library, where construction was completed in 2019, is truly beautiful, offers a stunning view of the Manhattan skyline from inside and is such an impressive community resource. We are so happy to have it near our home in Queens.
Queens Library at Hunters Point
47-40 Center Blvd, Long Island City, NY

Long Island City Ferry at Gantry Park(フェリー)
Long Island City Ferry is part of New York’s public transit system. Along the East River, there are a few NYC ferry stops. It’s an enjoyable way to travel in the city especially on a sunny day.
Long Island City Ferry at Gantry Park
46th Ave and Center Blvd Long Island City, NY

Unisphere at Flushing Meadows Park (ランドマーク)
Unisphere was built in 1964 for the New York World’s Fair. It’s located in Flushing Meadows Park. The park is adjacent to many popular destinations: US Open, Citi Field, the home of the New York Mets baseball team, the New York Hall of Science, the Queens Museum of Art, the Queens Theatre in the Park and the Queens Zoo.
Unisphere at Flushing Meadows Park
Grand Central Pkwy., Whitestone Exwy. bet. 111 St. and College Point Blvd., Park Drive E., Queens

Welling Court Mural Project(グラフィティ)
Welling Court Mural Project was started by local artists in 2009. The project features more than 150 murals by many different graffiti artists. Make sure you stop and admire these colorful and inspiring murals.
Welling Court Mural Project
11-98 Welling Ct, Astoria, NY

Win Son Restaurant(台湾料理)
Win Son は、いつもみんなにおすすめしている台湾料理のレストランです。料理のスタイルは、台湾の伝統的なものというより、アメリカ風にアレンジされた台湾料理になります。カジュアルにいただけるので私たちも日常的に通っているお気に入りのレストランのひとつです。初めてここに入った時にニールが気付いたのですが、台湾ビールとともに出てきた小さなグラスが、台湾の至る所で台湾ビールを飲むために使っているグラスと同じものでした。ショットグラスより少し大きなこのグラスは、台湾以外では今まで一度も見たことがありませんでした。このグラスが出てきた時に、この店は間違いないと確信。期待通りの美味しさでした。おすすめは、ルーロー飯、台湾肉そぼろ炒め、ジャージャー麺、そしてもちろん台湾ビールもぜひお楽しみください。
Win Son is a casual and contemporary Taiwanese-American restaurant that we always make sure to tell people about. While the food is not exactly traditional Taiwanese food and is more of a Taiwanese fusion, it is one of our favorite restaurants and we always enjoy dining here. The first time going, Neil spotted tiny Taiwan Beer glasses, which are found everywhere in Taiwan and used to serve Taiwan Beer in. The glasses are slightly larger than shot glasses and hard to find outside of Taiwan. We knew we had found a legitimate Taiwanese spot then and the food did not disappoint. Make sure you try the lu rou fan, fly’s head, sesame noodles and, of course, enjoy with Taiwan Beer.
Win Son Restaurant
159 Graham Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Mother of Junk(ヴィンテージショップ)
Mother of Junk は、家具、書籍、アート、アクセサリーなどを扱うヴィンテージショップです。ウィリアムズバーグに来た際、時間があれば必ず立ち寄るようにしています。15分程度時間が空いた時にさらっと覗いても、昼下がりの時間を過ごそうとゆっくり店内を散策している時でも、きっと何か面白いものを見つけられるはずです。私たちは、このお店でアンティークの活版印刷の版や、文房具や手紙を保存するために使っている年代物の缶、素敵なガラス製品などに出会いました。
Mother of Junk is a vintage shop with furnitures, books, arts and accessories. Whenever we are in Williamsburg with some time to spare, we always make sure to stop by this antique shop. Whether you are looking for something to do for 15 minutes or if you have a very leisurely afternoon of browsing planned, you’ll be able to find something interesting to capture your attention here. We’ve picked up antique letterpress machine stamps, cool old tins that we use to store small stationeries and correspondence, and funky glassware.
Mother of Junk
567 Driggs Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Bierocracy は昔ながらの中央ヨーロッパスタイルのビアホール。たくさんの種類のビールとともに欧州料理を楽しめます。いつも人の熱気に溢れ、入りやすく、友達との飲みに行くのによく利用しています。私たちのお気に入りのメニューは、シュニッツェル(仔牛のカツレツ)と巨大なプレッツェル(ドイツ発祥のパン)です。大勢でも楽しめるおすすめスポットです。
Bierocracy is an “old world” Central European style beer hall that serves a full range of beers and Central European dishes to go along with your drinks. The energy of this beer hall is fantastic and very welcoming, and it is one of our go-to spots for grabbing drinks with friends. One of our favorite things to order off the menu is the schnitzel and their giant Bavarian pretzel to share. It is a fun spot for larger groups of people too.
12-23 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY

Sweetleaf Coffee Shop(カフェ)
ロングアイランドに何軒かあるカフェ、Sweetleaf Coffee Shop は、家にいるみたいに居心地がいいお気に入りの場所。デイジーは大学院時代に、勉強や試験の準備ためにこのカフェでよく友人と集まっていました。美味しいコーヒーやペイストリーがいただきながら、読書をしたり、勉強したり、日記をつけたり、友達との時間をゆったりと過ごしたりしてリラックスできる、カジュアルで素敵なカフェです。
There are a few Sweetleaf Coffee Shop locations in Long Island City, but we love this one because it feels cozy and homey. Daisy frequented this coffee shop when she was in graduate school and often met with friends here to study and prepare for exams. It’s one of those cute cafes that serves great coffee and pastries, and has a casual and relaxed atmosphere where you feel comfortable taking your time to read, study, journal or catch up with friends.
Sweetleaf Coffee Shop
10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, NY

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.