All Things Analogue
(Eastbourne, United Kingdom)

アベルさんとニッキさんの二人が運営するイギリス、イーストボーンにあるステーショナリーショップ、All Things Analogue。オーナーの一人アベルさんが、この店を作ったきっかけについて話してくれました。

「私たちは、2020年にAll Things Analogueをオープンしました。それ以前から私はステーショナリーが大好きで、小さくても自分が情熱を注げる場所、そして、私のような文房具好きにとって天国のような場所を作りたいという長年の夢を実現するためこの店を作りました。この店は、私が愛する文房具の素晴らしさをお客様と共有できる場所です。私自身ここにいるだけで幸せを感じることができます。私たちの夢は、この場所がそんな素晴らしい文房具を使うことで得られる最高の体験を多くの人たちと共有できるコミュニティの場となることです。そうやって、自分がもっとクリエイティブになることができる道具をより深く、多くの人に届けていきたいんです。




All Things Analogue is Abel and Nicki’s shop.
Abel, a one of the owners told us the story about the store.

We opened All Things Analogue in 2020; the realization of a long held dream to create my own little corner or stationery heaven after I discovered my passion for stationery. It’s my happy place and exists to share with people the wonders of beautiful stationery and the things that I love. Our ambition has always been to build a community around these beautiful products and the joy that comes for using them: providing the tools for people to be creative. During the pandemic we decided we needed and change and were up for a challenge, so we relocated our family from London to Eastbourne and opened up the shop close to the family, the sea and the beautiful South Downs.

I first came across TRAVELER’S COMPANY whilst working as a buyer in London and totally fell in love with the system. It was the best meeting I ever had as a buyer and as soon as I help the notebook I feel in love. I bought myself one right after that meeting, back in 2014 when they still had ‘MIDORI’ stamped on the back cover, and I’ve used it every day since then. I love how the system works and what you can do with it but I also love it for the nostalgia and how it makes me feel. It wants to use it and in particular love using it for journalling.

When I got my first TRAVELER’S notebook off the back of that meeting and started journalling, I started to seek out like-minded people and to share my love of TRC with other people. Now with my own shop we want to continue to grow the community of people who love TRC and create a space to bring people together.


All Things Analogue
37 Grove Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4TT, United Kingdom

Collect TRC PARTNER SHOPS Original Stamps!


Original stamps exclusive to our Partner Shops are available. We hope you will stamp your TRAVELER’S notebook as a proof of your trip to our Partner Shops.


We designed the stamp with a motif of the Seven Sisters chalk cliffs, which are also featured in the recommended spots below.

Recommended Travel Spot From The Shop Owner

Camilla’s Bookshop(書店)
What a bookshop should be. An Aladdin’s cave of treasures and comes complete with pet parrot. Many happy hours can be spent browsing the mountains of second hand books. If you have something in mind, just ask Camilla and she’ll know if they have it and where it is. It’s a wonderful reminder of the joys of analogue endeavours.
Camilla’s Bookshop
57 Grove Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4TX

The Towner Art Gallery(ギャラリー)
Best known for its modern British art, including the largest and most significant body of work by Eric Ravilious, the Towner Art Gallery has a growing collection of national and international contemporary art. Alongside a programme of exhibitions and commissions the Towner has a collection library and cinema as well as a lovely cafe. They are currently celebrating the gallery’s centenary and will be hosting the Turner Prize in 2023.
The Towner Art Gallery
Towner Eastbourne, Devonshire Park, College Road Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ

Beanzz Coffee & Kitchen(コーヒーショップ&レストラン)
The best place for Brunch! We love the great atmosphere and lovely food at Beanzz. It’s a great place to meet fiends for a coffee and we often take the kids for a late morning Sunday Brunch.
Beanzz Coffee & Kitchen
43 Grove Rd, Eastbourne BN21 4TX

Seven Sisters Country Park(国立公園)
We’re incredibly lucky to have the South Downs on our doorstep. Designated a National Park in 2010 it’s home to a number of globally important habitats and rare species, including the Adonis blue butterfly that thrives in chalk grassland. The landscape is rich in folklore that has inspired generations of writers, artists and storytellers. Beachy Head, Belle Tout lighthouse and the Seven Sisters chalk cliffs are all great things to spot on a walk along the Sussex Downs Way and you can walk straight up onto the Downs from the end of the seafront at Holywell.
Seven Sisters Country Park
Seven Sisters Country Park, Exceat, East Sussex, BN25 4AD

The Lamb Inn(パブ)
Run by the local sussex brewery, Harvey’s, the Lamb is one of the oldest pubs in England dating from 1180. Historical features include the well, a secret passage, gargoyles, a crypted cellar and a superb huge original fireplace! They often have live music, comedy nights and you can even stay in one of their guest rooms. A great place for a Sunday Lunch with some history thrown in.
The Lamb Inn
36 High St, Old Town, Eastbourne BN21 1HH

Eastbourne Pier(桟橋)
海辺を歩くと、イーストボーン桟橋の美しい風景を見ることができます。1872年にできたこの桟橋は、ビクトリア朝時代の最も美しい桟橋のひとつです。海に向かって散歩したり、アーケードで子供たちを楽しませたりするのに最適な場所です。近くにはさまざまな小さなお店やカフェから、イギリス海峡の素晴らしい景色を見ることができます。また、またAll Things Analogueのオーナーのひとり、ニッキの曾祖父が桟橋長を務めていたことがあるんです。
A walk along the beach isn’t complete without a glimpse of the beautiful structure that is Eastbourne Pier. Opened in 1872 it’s one of the finest examples of a Victorian pier. A great place for a walk out into the sea and to entertain the kids in the arcades, today it has a variety of little shops and cafes with fantastic views of the English Channel. It also has a personal connection for us as Nicki’s Great Grandfather was once the Pier Master!
Eastbourne Pier
Eastbourne Pier, Grand Parade, Eastbourne, BN21 3EL

※「TRAVELER’S COMPANY」および「トラベラーズノート」は株式会社デザインフィルの登録商標です。
*”TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” are trademarks of Designphil Inc.