Maki Ohkojima (Painter and artist)
大小島 真木(画家、アーティスト)

例えば、壁画を描くためにインドのワルリー村に行った時のページには、村に伝わるお米を使って描かれた絵とその絵が意味する物語に感銘し、思わず真似して描いたスケッチが残っています。(Figure 1)
今年の春には幸運にもフランスの科学探査船に同乗するアーティストに選ばれ、タラ号というスクーナー船で珊瑚礁の調査に同行してきました。そこで科学者や船乗りの人たちと話したことや体験したことをもとに、絵を描き、物語として綴りました。そんな時の大事なメモやアイデアも、トラベラーズノートのリフィルに書き留めていました。その中には、友人になった科学者の何人かが、私の見ていない隙に私への手紙をそこに書きこんでくれたりしていて、このノートは今では大切な宝物です。(Figure 2)
作品(Figure 3)は、今回のトラベラーズタイムズのために制作したのですが、今まで様々な場所で描いてきた絵のパーツを繋げてみました。鯨の絵は多摩六都科学館のために描き下ろした全88星座の中からの「くじら座」。真ん中の天球図は、Earth Art Projectで標高5000メートルにあるラダックの遊牧民の小学校に描いた壁画の一部。言葉が描かれた蛇や、周りの羽や鉱物は、2015年に行った個展「鳥よ、僕の骨で大地の歌を鳴らして」で描いた作品のパーツの一部です。まさしくトラベラーとして描いてきた作品たちです。

I first encountered TRAVELER’S notebook when I was in university. When I was looking for a simple appointment book that I could customize, I fell in love with the appearance of TRAVELER’S notebook – the indescribable warmth and great capacity I felt it had – as soon as I set eyes on it and picked it up. To me, an appointment book is something you always carry around with you, somewhere you record things that happen every day, something you can call a “memory notebook.” Seeing the leather cover, with its many scratches, and the many refills I have accumulated, I feel that my TRAVELER’S notebook really has been with me to many different places. As a painter who creates murals, among other works, I travel with my paints and brushes, and often stay for several days while creating a work. I jot down events that occur on my travels in my TRAVELER’S notebook – my “memory notebook.”

What kind of places have I been to? What kind of pictures have I painted? What kind of people have I met? What kind of things have I seen…? Looking back over the pages, I see drawings of the pictures I created back then, with notes that even tell me how many days it took to complete them. Looking at my notebook brings back many memories. Even the memories that are normally kept in the depths of a drawer come back when I look over the pages of the notebook. To me, TRAVELER’S notebook is the key to opening the drawer of memories. For example, there is a sketch on the page from the time I went to Warli Village in India to paint a mural. A picture made with rice handed down in the village, and the story of what that picture represents made an impression on me, and I subconsciously imitated it in the sketch. (Figure 1)

n the spring of this year I was fortunate enough to be chosen as the artist in residence on a French scientific research boat, and I accompanied a coral reef survey on a schooner named Tara. Based on the conversations and experiences I shared with the scientists and sailors onboard, I drew pictures and patched them together to create a narrative. I jotted down important memos and ideas in a “TRAVELER’S notebook” refill, too. Amongst these, there are also letters from some of the scientists who became my friends; they were written in my notebook when I wasn’t looking. Now, that notebook is my important treasure. (Figure 2) In each of my notebooks, fragments of my time up until now are gathered together and coexist, and I sometimes enjoy looking back over them and pulling out the memories.

The work (Figure 3) was created for this edition of the TRAVELER’S TIMES, but I created it by connecting parts of pictures I have previously drawn in various places. The picture of the whale is “Cetus,” which I drew as one of 88 constellations for Tamarokuto Science Center. The central illustration of the celestial sphere is one part of a mural I drew for the Earth Art Project at a primary school for the nomadic people of Ladakh, 5,000 meters about sea level. The snake covered with words, and the surrounding feathers and minerals were parts of a personal exhibition in 2015 entitled “Birds, sing the songs of the earth through my bones. “It really is a work that I’ve created as a traveler.

大小島 真木 (画家、アーティスト)
1987年東京都東久留米生まれ。2011年女子美術大学大学院修士課程修了。 描くことを通じて、鳥や森、菌、鉱物、猿など他者の視野を自身に内在化し、物語ることを追求している。作品とは、思考を少しずらしたり、視野を少し変えてみせたりすることの出来る“装置”のようなものであると考え、日々制作中。主な賞に2014年VOCA奨励賞。インド、ポーランド、メキシコ、中国などで滞在制作。近年、南沢氷川神社に天井画を奉納(東京)。多摩六都科学館プラネタリウムへ全天88星座を制作、2017年にはフランスの科学探査船タラ号にレジデンスアーティストとして選出され海洋調査に同行、太田市美術館・図書館のグループ展、府中市美術館の公開制作、2017-2018年アグロス・アートプロジェクト「明日の収穫」青森県立美術館など、多岐にわたる制作を行う。
Maki Ohkojima (Painter and artist)
Maki Ohkojima was born in Tokyo in 1987. Through her art, she internalizes the perspectives of others, such as those of birds and forests, bacteria, minerals and monkeys, while pursuing a narrative. Her major award was the 2014 VOCA Encourage Prize. She is part of many individual and group exhibitions, and has created works while staying in India, Poland, Mexico, China, etc. In recent years, she has created a ceiling mural for Minamisawa Hikawa Shrine (Tokyo). In 2017 she was elected as artist-in-residence on the French scientific research boat Tara. She created all 88 of the constellations for Tamarokuto Science Center's planetarium. Currently, she is part of a group exhibition at the Art Museum & Library, Ota. In the future, she is scheduled to participate in a public creation at Fuchu Art Museum, and in the "Argos Art Project: Tomorrow's Harvest" at Aomori Museum of Art.